Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So I have not really been posting in my blog because I am so busy. I only really have time to draw my comics, do school stuff and look for jobs. The end of college is near for me and I am scared. I think I may be close to finding a job but I still need to interview and all the places that I am interviewing for are not in Austin. So, that means that even if I do get the position, I will have to move away from Austin and Jordan for a year and a half. This makes me sad.

I cannot imagine what my life will be like in a few months. That is so scary to me. I have always been the type to make plans and know exactly what is coming for me. Not knowing is the worst. I officially have (including today) 17 more class days of college. After that, I have graduation and some optional finals. Then I am done.

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