Jordan came and visited after me complaining and whining about being lonely. A lot of complaining (mostly it was a huge hissy fit).
Anyway, on Saturday we went to Marshall's (or maybe Ross) and I got the last Lord of the Rings DVD for $4. It's pretty exciting because it is the special edition and it has like 5 discs!! I also got Gattaca for $3. It's one of my favorite movies that I don't have ... Anyway, we also found this really cute kitchen timer that is in the shape of a cheeseburger!! Eek it's great and was a steal because it was only $2!!
Last week at Target they were having a sale on the Nintendo DS which I really wanted but since I don't typically play video games, I wasn't sure I wanted to buy it even thought it was $99 (that's $30 cheaper).
Me and Jordan went to go look at them and I wasn't sure if I would like it because I didn't see many games that I really wanted to play. So he took me to Fry's (which may be my favorite new store) to look at all the games. We found the Harry Potter game there for $5 cheaper than Target had it so I decided that I would get the DS just to play the HP game. So Jordan got me the HP game and I got the Sims City Creator game.
Then we went to Target to get my DS! It is red and beautiful. Later we went back to Fry's to get a protection case. I am really happy about the DS but I haven't had a whole lot of time to play it because I have just been taking care of Bob.
What else happened ... I don't know. I guess that's it for now!
Oops ... I forgot. I also got two pairs of jeans from Old Navy (because I have grown too wide to fit into my current jeans) and a cute sweater!
Note to self ... Must do laundry. Must get apartment tidy. Must buy books.
1 comment:
keep blogging!
good memories that we need.
you did your best with Bob!
It was his time to go.
THe word verification is "reces" which is just one letter off from something really funny....
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