Look at what Jordan just sent me! That's him and Tyler when they were little! They're matching!! Eek this picture makes me so happy. I just want to run out and get a billion prints of this made so that I can wall paper my apartment with them!! So precious!

In other news, I got a 95.5 on my biology exam from this summer. Yay! Now I just have one more to go. I should study for that but I am feeling lazy and want a break so instead I am going to do some crafts!
I have seen that tall kid before, I think he was in Dick Tracy and Hook, right?
Haha yeah. What's funny is that when I told Jordan, he was like ... "Do you know who I look like? I'll send you a picture." and then like 3 minutes later he was all "OMG it's the guy who Aaron said I looked like!"
Pretty accurate.
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