1. cook books
2. my hammies
3. nail polish
4. hair dye
5. reese's puffs
6. free shirts
7. starbuck's venti java chip frapaccinos
i had homework due next friday so i did it early but didn't finish. then i get an email saying that we have an extension. i love that.
also, i'm gonna see hilary and obama tomorrow. i'm going to see hilary because i like her and i'm going to see obama because jordan has to write an article that isn't biased. so, i'm skipping my chemistry class so that i can go to her austin campaign headquarters.
i got a free shirt that on the south mall that is the right size and everything. i also bought two new cardigans from target that i have been needing for a long time.
i'm thinking about applying to write for the travesty. i have to send in three writing samples and fill out the application. i don't think i'll get it but i want to at least try. i think it would be fun.
Hilary? Really?
I'm going to vote at the polls and at the later caucuses to support my boy Obama!
Don't let Aaron hear you like Hilary, he will make fun.
Also, Aaron always told me I should try to write for the Travesty, but I don't think I'm very funny. Good luck w/ ur application!
OMG! You can like whoever you want but I am just saying... who wants the devil for the president? really, the devil aka Hilary is just not my cup of tea. I am not really serious please like who you want, thats why america is cool... but still... just know your mama is for Obama!
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