Monday, February 18, 2008

i am finally done with all my first round of tests which makes me free as a bird. in order to celebrate this freedom, i have decided to dye my hair pink again. i am in the process of doing it right now and i now also have pink sploches all over my shoulders and hands. 

during my studies i have found a new hatred of people who highlight badly and in an ugly fashion. jordan bought one of our rock textbooks off amazon and i swear some idiot girl had it before us. it bothered me so much that i took pictures to document it. 

also i painted my nails blue and it makes me very happy. i'm all colorful. it's great. 

1 comment:

Stacy Kirages said...

Omg I hate ugly highlighting as well! I just want to shout at all of them, "Learn to follow the text you idiots! It's right there in front of you!" (oh this is Stacy by the way)