my old list has things like ...
- finish a crossword by myself
- milk a cow
- learn to swim
- bake a cake from scratch
i guess i will still work on that list but i want suggestions too because as you can tell, i have a severe lack of ambition.
also i should note that i think my history of rock professor is a doofus. a real big doofus.
i love slaweck
Ok my suggestion on something to do before you die/ or leave Austin.
Take a day trip one Saturday to San Antonio, leave in the morning.
Spend the day on the riverwalk, at touristy places like the Alamo, and Ripley's Believe it or Not, and the Wax Museum. Including the scary section.
Then... (ok well this is sad because I just check on it, but apparently the Drive-In theare in San Antonio, the Mission 4, is no longer open.) But in anycase what I was going to say was that you then go to the drive in that night and catch a double feature, and dont worry if you think the movies are bad, because the Dive-In makes movies good anyways. After the films at around 12 or so... you drive home to Austin.
Jennifer and I did this together and it was a great great experience and one I will always remember. P.S. you sound remember to take a car thats good for driven in and a pillow or so since you will be there awhile.
I meant should not sound... :-(
ok not that you care but an other suggestion...
Go to a punk type show at Emo's or I guess any other venue. Spend the entire nite from opening band until the end down in the pit area up front and really get into it. This works best if its a band you know so you can really get into their songs. But anyways, you can leave for bits to rest and cool off but be sure to push you way back to the front. Once the concert is over, hopefully no sooner than Midnight, go the that denny's dinner on the other side of 35 near MLK. ( I suppose you could subsitute Kirby Lane or even Taco Cabana.) Then go home exhausted feet and back hurting and sleep very well and very late the next day. Unfortunately they dont allow smoking in clubs anymore but it was truly the best to come home smelling like smoke with it embedded in every inch of your clothes, and then to NOT take a shower and go to bed smelling like smoke and wake up the next morning and get a good whiff of the smell and remember the great concert from the night before. Best if done with friends
oh be sure the concert you are going to is packed out so the when your in the pit you cant more an inch and there are tons of people pressed up against you.
I know it might not sound very good, but for me at least it is amazing.
Movie to see before you die...
Come and See
Russian WWII film, you can check it out from the library at UT. Now it is a war movie and it is in Russian so you will have subtitles so be sure to be in the mood for it. But in my, not very good opinion it is one of the best war movies ever and just a great film. The way its shot is also amazing. Anyways, I will stop sucking the Come and See dick and move on.
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