Monday, January 14, 2008

just left my first psychology 418 lecture and i think my professor maybe a little off ... he went on all sorts of tangents and he was just way too chipper at 9 0'clock in the morning. he talked about how missing an alarm was not an excuse to miss a lecture or a lab session and how all students should have two alarm clocks - one that is run electrically and one run on batteries ... even if your electrical alarm clock says that it has a battery back-up, that battery back-up will not set off the set alarm ... then he goes on to talk about his alarm situation at home ... he has three ... two electric clocks and one battery operated one. then he went on to talk about how traffic cannot be an excuse ... he personally has 5 different routes to get to campus and likes to arrive at least two hours before his first scheduled lecture ... he apparently started teaching at ut when his wife was offered the opportunity to direct a region of veteran affairs and had to move to texas ... apparently the big mistake of his life was "marrying a liberated woman" ... he went on to say, "she's better looking and smarter ... but i have a puppy ..." he seems like a happy enough old man ... 

my egyptian history professor is the classic boring looking professor except he likes the mummy movies and likes to act out the scenes. "oh, look! anubis is after meeee!" 

also, in my history of rock and roll class there was this girl who was reading the syllabus who was standing by the door because there weren't enough seats actually said, "excuse me? um ... why aren't the beatles on the syllabus?" she said it in this annoying pretentious way which prompted about six annoyed people to say, "page 6" ... she was even more annoying because she was wearing this awkward "cool kid" blazer that was dumb looking ... and she had her ipod on during the entire class.

1 comment:

mr. P said...

I cant imagine having to sit through a History of Rock N roll class in a city like Austin and a University like UT. Yikes.