this weekend started on friday when jordan took me out to shop for a birthday present ... i know there was something blog worthy but all i remember is that a clown in full gear asked me where the food court was ... oh, also jordan took me to toy joy to look for a present ... i picked a package of chococat filler paper thats tan brown and a gigantor sheet of stickers ... best present i've ever picked for myself ... jordan even had it wrapped for me ... also we went to sixth street to walk around and we watched the spray paint artist paint a piece ...
saturday my sister, aaron, jordan, and my parents orchestrated a surprise party for my 20th birthday ... jordan had promised me another shopping trip for the cover apparently ... i got up and dressed at like 11:30 am since he was supposed to pick me up at like 12:30 ... anyhoo ... i'm watching the real housewives of orange county and it was a really good episode and i was considering asking if we could cancel shopping to watch the marathon ... then there is a knock at the door and when i open it, everyone is there plus stacy, julie and beth ... it was scary and really awkward. anyway ... we went to blazer tag and played two games of laser tag. the first game was with some high school kids and the second game was with some seven year olds. they were little and bratty and they were all "yes! teenagers!" anyway the second game was a lot more fun because me, stacy, julie and beth went to the top and were snipers ... we took out a lot of little kids ... all the boys led their own armies of little kids ... they were pretty scary. i beat my personal best with a score of 540 points. i was still ranked 31st and aaron was 1st. it was pretty impressive ... anyway, it was the best birthday party i ever had. after the laser tag, we played at the arcade and jordan won the basketball jackpot shooting more than 70 point. it was great. i really liked exchanging the tickets for prizes. the little kids were jealous. one little kid even asked aaron if he could have some of the tickets that we were feeding into the counting machine ... when aaron said, "i'm afraid not" the little kid was like "huh?" anyway we had like 1084 tickets .. the most tickets that i've ever been able to compile.
anyway the rest of saturday was spent playing guitar hero with jen, aaron and jordan at the apartment and then dinner at cracker barrel ... it was delicious. on sunday we went to p. terry's with my parents then they and aaron and jen went back to houston and dallas, respectively ...
sunday evening jordan took me to target and office depot to get school supplies which was fun ... i love office supplies. anyway i got this cool folder that will be for all my classes. then we went to gatti town which is a buffet and an arcade melded into one fat person haven ... it was an experience. we were sitting at this table next to a huge family of people ... they had so many children. at least one per adult. it was gross. there was this one little girl ... and she was at least nine years old and she was chubby and it was not baby fat. she was sloppily dressed in all pink and fur and she had her chunky butt in a high chair ... only her but was in the chair. her legs were uncomfortable hanging out of the top of the chair ... it was so awkward to watch. whenever she wanted to get something from the other side of the table, she wouldn't get up or anything. she would sit in the chair and use her arms to push and pull herself in the desired direction. she grabbed at our table every 3-5 minutes and her hands were all grubby. she was so gross. anyway the last time she went around the table, she accidentally pulled her cup filled with coke icee (that was a drink option at gatti town which i took advantage of ...) to the floor and some of it ended up in my blue high top converse ... then she settled down after giving me a nasty look as if i had caused the accident.
anyway, after we finished eating we went to play in the arcade. nothing great happened except me and jordan saved a little baby. we were buying tokens and we saw this little baby waddle towards some teenagers to watch them play this game. i thought it was weird because there was no mother in sight. anyway, we stood there watching her for like 5 minutes until she started moving again. i didn't want to pick her up because i didn't want to seem like a kidnapper ... when she started moving, i followed her while i made jordan find a worker to announce a lost baby ... then jordan came back with a frantic looking woman and he got to pick up the behbeh and hand her off to the mother ... he said that when he was looking for the worker to make the announcement he saw the woman angrily signing (either she or her husband was deaf) at her husband ... they were all the way in the buffet area ... jordan said the baby was squishy but he could feel her baby ribs when he picked her up ... i am so jealous.
well, now jordan and i are heading to campus to play in the gym and do my laundry ... fun fun fun.
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