Tuesday, January 8, 2008

in my last blog i had a list of 100 facts, tidbits, and useless information about me ... i thought i would do that again because i have changed somewhat and that blog no longer belongs to me ...

1. i have the worst buyers remorse known to man.
2. the type of panties i put on in the morning dictates the type of day i will have.
3. i like eating pints of blue bell's mint chocolate chip ice cream.
4. i love ikea furniture and ikea swedish meat balls.
5. i hate shopping online but cannot resist the temptation when waiting for classes.
6. i love getting legitimate mail.
7. my favorite movie at the moment is juno.
8. i am very fond of gummy bears but i don't like eating them.
9. i am the least ambitious person i know.
10. i am oddly obsessed with people who annoy me ... a lot of people annoy me.
11. i'm going to be 20 soon.
12. i love burrito bols but i often feel as if i'm missing out on the real burrito experience.
13. i don't like eating shrimp because it feels like i'm eating poop.
14. i have an octopus shower curtain.
15. i think most people are insincere.
16. i hate sports and only tolerate them when free stuff is being chunked at my head.
17. i can spend hours on the internet looking at absolutely nothing.
18. i miss sharing a room with my sister.
19. i like the color green and i like circles.
20. i like buying sheets because it can't be wasted money since they're always useful.
21. i love barbeque fridays.
22. i once made a list of things to do before i die ... i don't really plan on doing any of it.
23. i usually only work hard to spite people.
24. i like taking notes by hand but i'm o.c.d. about neatness so i use a computer.
25. i hate studying on a computer ... it has no character.
26. i love fruit but i'm mildly allergic to most of it.
27. i like reading trashy magazines.
28. i get really distracted.
29. i clean when i want to procrastinate.
30. i once threw a fit because i was out of both milk and butter.
31. i am crafty ... but only when the mood strikes.
32. i love milk tea ... very asian of me.
33. i like making detailed plans and schedules ... i rarely have time to finish anything.
34. i like waking up my pets so i can watch them groom.
35. i hate getting gift cards because it still feels like money ... and i have to spend it.
36. i moved into an apartment that has stolen cable and internet.
37. i have been craving sushi recently.
38. i get sick a lot.
39. i loathe slow walkers.
40. i am not a morning person and i hate waking up early.
41. i really enjoy road trips.
42. i love round little sprinkles.
43. i hope i live close to my sister when i grow up.
44. i don't believe in curing diseases because it is the epitome of survival of the fittest.
45. i like being able to be smug.
46. i hate when animals lick me .
47. i need to go to taiwan to buy a pencil case.
48. i really like office supplies .
49. i'd rather be cold than hot.
50. i love autumn and winter .
51. i love sun dresses.
52. i just bought a cello that i will probably never play.
53. i hate seeing people i have disappointed.
54. i only have 2 people i consider real friends ... many acquaintances.
55. i get really thirsty sometimes but would rather be thirsty than get up.
56. i bought a toaster just so i could eat eggos.
57. i've never had a plant that has lived.
58. i like ellipses ...
59. i like spinach, artichokes, potatoes and tomatoes.
60. i like condiments ... mini condiments.
61. i never buy gifts as well as jennifer.
62. i used to read a lot ... now i don't.
63. i never have to take math in college because i did it all in high school.
64. i've spent all my summers, since high school, in summer school or working ...
65. i love a poem by shel silverstein and i only know that it's about trash.
66. i like going to the market and taking stray coffee beans.
67. i like sitting in shopping carts even though i'm too big.
68. i get hungry every 3 hours regardless of what i've had to eat.
69. i can only swim to save my life.
70. i love sleeping more than any activity ever.
71. i cannot parallel park.
72. i'm scared of birds because they can poop on you without any remorse.
73. i like drawing cupcakes ... and octopuses.
74. i love plates and bowls and forks and spoons ...
75. i can't sleep sometimes because my brain won't let me.
76. i'm really flattered when people remember little things about me.
77. i hate going to doctors appointments.
78. i like having my things ... just so ...
79. i have posters up in my old room of things that i didn't like to begin with.
80. i really like rainy days.
81. i was weened on tofu.
82. i like boys with trucks.
83. i love nicknames.
84. i like talking people into buying expensive things that they don't need.
85. i like running into people i know in foreign countries.
86. i fall down and run into things ... a lot.
87. i think that somethings should never be forgiven.
88. i love wrapped presents.
89. i used to like wearing leotards ... all the time.
90. i looked like a pokemon, according to my sister, during the early years of my life.
91. i hate tucked in shirts.
92. i like drinking out of baby bottles because you can lay down at the same time.
93. i like ordering the same thing over and over again at restaurants.
94. i love flying ... and taking trains.
95. i want to own many tiny creatures.
96. i am very pessimistic.
97. i am very short tempered.
98. i used to love polly pockets ...
99. i cried everyday in kindergarten.
100. i stuck a tiny styrofoam ball in my nose because i knew it would fit.


Jordan Goblin said...

you know those books of "bushisms" where they quote his insanely dumb comments in a long list?

3 things bothered me about this:
#16 hurts me deeply
#20 is ridiculous; you have like 4 sets of sheets that you never use
#38 makes me sad but I have to concur. strengthen your immunities!

overall i really enjoyed this. It was very forgetful of certain very important people in your life but thankfully, I'm sure they are very modest and understanding.

SuperHeroScumbag said...

Hey didnt I make the last list you made on your old blog, which is now my Blog (Evil Laugh Ha Ha). Now I am no where to be found thanks a lot Monica Lewdinsky!

Jennifer said...

didn't i come up with the natural selection thing? If I didn't publish it (on my blog, haha) it existed in my brain.