Tuesday, January 8, 2008

my entire break has been occupied by doctors appointments ... today i woke up early to go to yet another appointment to get results for my ct scan. all they said that all the tests were negative (insert 'the office' joke here) but they were still concerned and wanted me to come back later for some more probing. i have another appointment later at 5 pm ... balls. 

omg ... today at the doctor's office they took my weight and i refuse to believe that i have gained 10 lbs. since my last visit two weeks ago. i was 140 lbs. and now i am 150 lbs. i refuse, refuse, refuse to believe that. (if you can't tell, i'm throwing a righteous fit quietly in the corner of the houston public library on montrose) anyway i told a certain some one ... ahem ... JORDAN ... and he doesn't believe that there could be some sort of mistake. he claims that he believes me but there is a lack of enthusiasm in his claims. 

i have three reasons that i know i am right and doctors lie: 

- i was holding my new purse which is like ... big
- the scale was not balanced once i got on and the dials were   adjusted
- it's just not right ...


Jordan Goblin said...


"i have three reasons in which i know i am right:
1. .....
2. .....
3. "it's just not right"


what a piece of work.. you dint tell me the purse was involved; new evidence is ruled out

Jennifer said...

lol I believe you! I always come out 5 pounds heavier in doctor's office scales. I think they weight it heavier and catch your instantaneous face on a secret camera.