Wednesday, January 9, 2008

addendum to past blogs: 

i have recently blogged about why i hate driving but tonight i have found another grievance that i never even thought possible ... balls bouncing in the road. i just don't get how a driver can drive and throw four to five basketballs and soccer balls out of the passenger window ... funnily, all the balls bounced in my lane and i had to swerve to miss them. grrr ...

also, i have angered some people due to my recent list because they were not explicitly mentioned. let me explain. my old list had several items pertaining to my brother-in-law, aaron. i noted how i liked him from the first time that we met and how jenny wanted to tell me about their engagement but i thought that they just *ahem* and so i refused to listen ... i also talked about the fact that i knew that they would get married years before he actually asked and that i had found a new brother ... all those things still stand but i didn't want to repeat all that stuff because i didn't want to bore my humble readership ... i will say however that aaron has turned out to be a great older brother. last time he came to visit me, he built me a hammie tandem runner and he took me to dog almighty for hot dogs and chili pie ... of course jenny was there too ... also aaron and jenny were the givers of the awesome grenade salt and pepper shakers. 

also, i should mention some other people since apparently i forgot some key players in my life ... jordan wanted me to mention him explicitly ... he is one of two in number 54 ... my bff stacey player number 2 ... she is the hot glue to my hot glue gun ... haha ... we are crafty together. i should also clarify that family does not count in number 54 and the word 'acquaintances' is NOT a four letter word ... it just means that i would not cry in front of you and at the same time i would not necessarily want to get lost with you and only you in a strange city ...

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