Monday, December 31, 2007

i cannot sleep. i've been awake for almost 48 hours and i am so tired but i just can't sleep... time for the yearly retrospective...

new things that i have this coming new years that i did not for the last one ...

- one betta fish named thurman
- two robo hammies named zuzu and petri
- one brother named aaron
- new (now not so new) macbook
- pink streaks of hair ... now more "crack addict" blonde
- new apartment
- extra big bed
- desk with a hutch
- love of scattergories
- new grenade salt and pepper shakers
- cooking skills
- 814 new facebook wall posts
- yummy chipotle coupon ... not yet been redeemed
- one stuffed companion :: Cooper
- ❤

old things that have not changed throughout the year ...

- awkwardness and indecision
- fear of birds
- love of ae aerie undergarments
- nice red hoodie

i can't think of anything else i care to mention ...