Monday, December 31, 2007

i am once again awake! i feel a lot like a small toddler. i got a lot done last night ...

i have answered the long pondered question of "what kind of bear is best?" there are basically two schools of thought but i have concluded that brown bears are best ... proof you ask?

... need i say more?


Jennifer said...

Aaron says your apt is not much more than 15x15. When I asked him, he said, "well, imagine Jordan laying down across the room. the place can't be much bigger than two jordans!"

So next time you need a "term of measurement" for scattergories, starting with letter J, you can put Jordan.

Jordan Goblin said...

very funny jen.
seeing as a just found out about this blog and you knew you knew about it before i did, you were talking about me behind my back!
i knew it!

(also, to monica, i laughed when you said which "best is best".. i pardon you because it was like 5 in the morning)
but from reading your blog i have decided that maybe i underestimated you; you are capable of intelligent argument.. this post proves it.