Monday, June 30, 2008

what is better ... 

thinking that the presented truth is not all that true or finding out the truth my accident? what if the presented truth was already pretty disappointing and the truth is just worse? what if it was already hard dealing with the presented truth and dealing with the truth is just inconceivable? 

the best and worst thing about lying is that something always drums up the truth ... a slip of the tongue, a witness, guilt ... there’s just no way around hiding something. so what do you do when you find out the truth? 

what if this one lie would have changed your past decisions had you known the truth before they were made? does that discount everything that has happened since? 

i think it does. it discounts almost everything. none of the events after the lie should counted because they only happened because all the facts were not present when the decision to move on was made. what if the truth was always assumed but unspoken and both parties are at fault for perpetuating the presented truth? 

what if the truth doesn’t really have merit anyway? what if the event being lied about is so far in the past that it doesn’t even technically matter? what if it is still painful? 

what is worse ... 

going back to right a wrong and throw away everything that came after or living with the truth?

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