Monday, June 9, 2008

oh also this weekend before the game, i met jordan at the galleria so that he could try and fix his iphone. he dropped the phone in the pool and the top part of his screen froze ... anyway once an iphone gets water in it the earphone jack gets highlighted pink and so jordan had to use white-out, black paint, and a model airplane brush to hide the pink. we went into the store and saw the geniuses and the guy just replaced his phone without even checking for water damage. i was so surprised because the apple people are never that helpful when i need help.

also i forgot about this guy at the astros game that i wanted to write about. me and jordan were going to go walk around because i was getting restless and this guy cuts us off and we hear him raving about some guy behind him spilling red sauce on his white astros jersey. he was really pissed. jordan had to go to the bathroom so i waited outside and while i was waiting the guy comes out and is examining his jersey and he's still yelling ... "what kind of person would drip red sauce on someone's WHITE jersey?" then he notices that there is another red spot on his astros hat and that just sets him off again ... he walks back into the restroom and washes his hat off and when he comes out a second time i notice that there is a huge red spot on the sleve of his jersey. i didn't tell him because i was afraid he was going to hit me.

1 comment:

Jordan Goblin said...

oh yeah i didn't see this before i left the last comment.
haha excellent.