Monday, June 30, 2008

funny excerpt from the book of the day ... it's about a persian girl coming to america for the first time to live with her sister. she is 27 years old and she has decided to walk herself to her english conversation class ... 

she [the sister] hands me [the main character] an index card that has her address and cell phone number at the top. underneath are these phrases written in both english and farsi:

1. i am lost. could you call my sister, please?
2. i do not understand what you are saying. could you call my sister, please?
3. leave me alone or i will call the police. could you call my sister, please?

i don't know what i laughed out loud but i think it's because it reminds me of notes that my mom often hands me ... hahahaha

1 comment:

Jordan Goblin said...

haha your mom leaves you notes?!

"i am too little to reach the peanut butter, will you please grab it for me?" taped post it to your shirt.

that's how we met, folks