Thursday, March 6, 2008

so i never knew how busy someone could get in college. i know i've been here for almost two years but this year is the hardest. i suppose it's because i have to do really well. anyway, i'm done with my evolution exam and i have nothing to do tonight so i'm laying on a bench outside of jordan's psychology class waiting for him to finish his test ... 

so ... i haven't blogged about stuff that i've done this past week ... 

i went to a rally the night before the caucus and i got to see hillary speak a little ... very little. she was over two hours late. the even was supposed to start at 6 pm and end at 9 pm but she didn't even get there until 8:54 pm. me and jordan both had things to do (pbk meeting for me and refereeing for him) so we had to leave. the entire way home all i could think was that if she doesn't win the popular vote in Texas, i wasted a lot of time. 

but ... she did win the popular vote! it was't by a lot but still it's something. i don't know who i'll vote for in the november elections if she doesn't get the democratic nomination. maybe i won't vote. 

i suppose that's all i have to talk about. the rest of my week has been occupied by studying ... i have to do work this break as well. 

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