Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ok so there have been several things that i have to blog about that i have seen or heard recently. 

first i have to talk about something that happened this morning. i was standing by my door getting ready to leave for class this morning at around 8:40 am and i hear a knock next door. it was really loud and then i heard "open up, it's the police." let me note that the guy next door, scoot, is a drug dealer and has come over several times to borrow my cell phone. anyway he's obviously sleeping and so the guy knocks again and says "randall whittington, open up! you can be an asshole or i can call the judge." RANDALL WHITTINGTON! that is great. anyway scoot opens the door and takes whatever the guy has for him ... i think he was served with something or other ... anyway i waited till the guy left and then i walked to school. 

let me note that as i am writing this, scoot is listening to lenny kravitz very loudly.

the second thing that i witnessed was yesterday at highland mall. i made jordan take me to the mall because we had been studying so much recently and i wanted to buy something that would make me happy. anyway i didn't find anything but on the way out through dillard's as we were walking out, some mall cops chased three hispanic girls who were dressed like hoochies and got them for shoplifting. so as they were being led to what is essentially a mall holding cell, one girl says "um mister where are we going?" in an annoying hispanic stupid girl tone. at this point, jordan asked "do you think those cops are gonna molest them?" since the cops looked pretty decent and i personally wouldn't touch any of those girls with a ten foot pole, i'm gonna say ...


the last thing that happened was from last friday. we were driving out of brazos parking garage and we saw a frat boy in a white x-terra hit a blue dodge truck and pull off his own plastic bumper. then he drove away. he didn't leave a note or anything but i got his license so i went back and left the dodge a note with my phone number. there wasn't a lot of damage so i don't expect a call. 

here's the information on the vehicles. if you ever see the x-terra, tell him you know what he's done ...

white x-terra: texas plate M94CKN
blue dodge: texas plate 67CH95

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