Thursday, February 28, 2008

ok so i was just reminded that i have to blog about the clinton rally that i went to last night. it was great and i'm quite happy with my choice of supporting hillary. the pre-speech acts were lame one group was a hispanic fraternity that danced terribly with music that wouldn't work. also several student group presidents talked. they were also bad. all the speakers were so terrible that i started watching this baby that was in front of me in the crowd. he had really pretty eyes and liked to make farting noises with his mouth and he liked to have his picture taken by his papa. 

anyway the people around me were annoying and i was spit on by some indian guy who was hooting extremely loud when sean astin came out and gave a little talk. people all started chanting "rudy! rudy! rudy!" i'm sure he's pretty sick of it. 

let me note that this is the second time that i've seen sean astin on the ut campus. the first time was during leadership camp the summer before high school where we had a viewing of rudy then he came to talk to us about never being sidetracked from our dreams. i've never really liked him but i kinda like him now.  

anyway then bill came out after sunset and he dreamily glided on to the center stage and in his both booming and sultry voice began his rousing speech ... he was dreamy ... 

haha ... yeah right. he looked older than i remember from all the news photos from 5th grade and his face is all red which is only accented by his ever whitening hair. it looks like his hair is all real but he looks frail-ish now. he's now a skinnier version of our 42nd president. it's a little sad. he is a great speaker though. everything that he said was presented well and made sense. i thought it was nice that he spoke on campus even thought it was chelsea's 28th birthday. 

i didn't get a picture with him and i didn't get an autograph either because the crowd was just too big. i did however get chelsea's autograph last week for jordan. 

thinking back i don't think i blogged about that event which is weird because it was pretty fun. last week hillary and obama came to ut to have a debate which we couldn't get tickets to. anyway we decided to go to the hillary headquarters to campaign for her. when we got there jordan took me to the table with the shirts on it and he got the plain shirt with "hillary for president" on it and i got a cool 3/4 sleeve baseball shirt that had timber wolf grey sleeves and had a chest crest that said "hillary 44" which was repeated on the back of the shirt like a real jersey. anyway it was the last one and it was in my size. it was an american apparel shirt so it is extra soft and fitted well. 

chelsea ended up being an hour late to the rally but we stayed and when she got there we were not that close. she only spoke for like 3 minutes and jordan wanted a signature but he wasn't aggressive enough so i just ended up leaving him behind a little and got right in front of chelsea and tried to get her to sign. then some lady put her sign on top of mine and got hers signed. then chelsea's wrangler said "ok guys we are going to head to the debate. chelsea has to leave." i was a little irritated because i wanted to get the signature so i tapped her on the shoulder and said she signed it for me. i was the last one. 


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