Thursday, February 21, 2008

last night while at gregory gym, i saw this guy who bothered me so much that i started taking pictures of him so that i could figure out why he was the way that he was. 

i don't know what's wrong with him but he had a problem with personal space, personal identity and putting his hands and forearms into his basketball shorts. 

please help me figure out what the hell is wrong with him: 


he's sitting like a doofus then gets up to hang out with some indian frat guys and then he starts to dance. DANCE!


then he starts getting really close to the other guys to talk to them and then starts waving his hands in this guy's face and yelling "i see you kobe!"


he has his hands and forearms in his shorts. he is also wearing white man panties which he left hanging out.

i think one of the guys said something rude to him and so he started to play by himself and shuffling around the edge of the court in his flip flops.


now he has found another guy to hang around. this guy is less tolerant. he has a basket ball that player #32 knocks out of his hand. he is left chasing the ball to the other end of the court. 

all i can say is ... what the?


Jordan Goblin said...

you have an uncanny knack for looking at people and taking pictures of people who annoy you.
maybe they wouldn't annoy you if you didn't inspect them so critically...
i'm just sayin'...

monica said...

maybe he shouldn't be annoying right in front of me...