Tuesday, January 29, 2008

so i thought i had been getting better in the phlegm and sickness department after last weekend's 16 hours of sleep patterns .. however i was wrong. i started feeling bad again this weekend on saturday and it has gotten worse. i started taking mucinex and it worked really well the first day that i took it but then it stopped working ... boo. then i started on my old regiment of potions and tonics and whining a lot (jordan can attest to this). 

anyway it culminated tonight when i got back from classes and decided to take a nap. it was so cold that i used all of my blankets -- my ikea one, the green fleece and the pink comforter from taiwan. i was still cold. the heater was even on. my belly and my back were burning hot while my legs, hands and head were all freezing. then jordan came over after his biology discussion and found me cuddled under layers of blankets and said that it was probably making my fever worse. so i was no longer allowed to stay under my blankets and i was cranky. then i ate some bluebell ice cream that made me feel better but then i threw it up after an hour. it was so gross and some got in my hair so i had to shower. 

also, my shower sprung a severe leak last night at around one in the morning. i emailed the management company and then the owner sent me a rude email this afternoon. i hate him so much. 

anyway, all around bad. also i got a thermometer and i had my temperature taken and it said i had a temperature of 101.4 degrees but it was kinda skewed because the instructions said not to drink anything cold or hot before taking your temperature ... i had a lot of powerade. my little cousin has bronchitis so my mom is worried about me having it so if my temperature doesn't subside by the morning, i have to go to the doctor.

on a happier note, i went to the outlet mall this sunday after going to church ... that's right ... church. anyway i found these cute nike sport shoes for $20 but they sold for like $60 or something ... they are really cute.

anyway i am at the gym right now watching jordan referee. 

also, chemistry quiz tomorrow. boo-hiss ...


SuperHeroScumbag said...

Was the thermometer an electric one, I hear those can be kinds iffy. Oh and when you got those nike shoes, did you pick up any nike running shorts, those are all the rage right now and the only thing I wear!

Jordan Goblin said...

i like how superheroscumbag is skeptic of your temperature...

ye shall overcome some day.

monica said...

yeah i got some of those shorts. they are hella-cute.

... no i didnt as they are nasty.